Blog Posts

  • My Christmas Traditions and How I Am Now
    Every family has different Christmas traditions, and I wanted to write down some of the things that we do, as we come to the end of 2024.
  • Entering My ‘Bridget Jones’ Era
    Bridget Jones – a 32-year-old British single woman who, like many 32-year old British single women, is unhappy with her weight, job, relationsip status, and tends to feel like she fumbles her way through her life unable to keep up with the pace of seemingly-perfect professionals around her. Usually ends the night drunk or crying … Read moreEntering My ‘Bridget Jones’ Era
  • The Eras Tour + Small Reflection
    SO. It’s been a long time. I have been kicked out of university, been volunteering a lot and done lots of cool things in that area, have some interesting research opportunities coem up, and reapplied to uni, and been in a general hospital for just under two months. But what am I blogging about? Taylor … Read moreThe Eras Tour + Small Reflection
  • Eurovision 2024: The Final!
    Finishing off my thoughts on Eurovision this year, I wanted to share my top six entries and my reflections after the final!
  • Eurovision Thoughts 2024 Pre-Final
    I am a BIG fan of Eurovision, and below I detail my before-the-final-show thoughts on each entry (not just the ones that made it to the final!).
  • I Love My Mum
    My mum is like my best friend, and thinking about that a lot recently has made me want to explain exactly why she is such an inspiration to me.
  • 52 Books Again, and Thinking About Resolutions Part 2
    I wanted to share my other resolutions for the year, as well as the ones I’ve achieved so far!
  • 52 Books Again, and Thinking About Resolutions Part 1
    This is the second year I managed to achieve my New Years Resolution of reading 52 books, something I am very proud of!
  • The Barbie Movie: a review
    I went to see the new Barbie movie (my second time going to the cinema in about a decade!!!), and I had THOUGHTS. So I decided to write a review.
  • Running Your Own Race
    I had some positive thoughts a few days ago, and I wanted to share them. I’ve been feeling a lot of regret, but after a lot of thinking, I keep telling myself this little thing I thought up: ‘YOU ARE RUNNING YOUR OWN RACE’.
  • Eurovision 2023 – My Thoughts and Reviews
    I thought it’d be fun to share my thoughts on the Eurovision Song Contest of 2023, hosted in Liverpool.
  • Striking the Balance Between Power Woman and Delicate Flower Part 2 of the Delicate Flower Rant
    In recent years, a new caricature has been added to society’s ‘roles for women’. Alongside ‘delicate flower’, and ‘loud RELATEABLE tomboy’, sits ‘power woman’.
  • Why Is Being A Delicate Flower Attractive? Part 1 of the Delicate Flower Rant
    I want to talk about the saviour narrative, and ‘delicate girl’ image, because they’ve affected my confidence, my identity, and my desire to be attractive.
  • Koalas!
    Recently I listened to a podcast, which is something that, due to struggling to concentrate, I haven’t been able to do for a long time. It was all about koalas..
  • New Years and January Updates
    It’s nearly the end of January, and I’m sorry I’ve been so absent. I’m still in hospital, but I’m trying to think of positives, and set goals…
  • Achieving 52 Books in a Year
    For the first time ever, I achieved my New Years Resolution of reading 52 books! It was a fun challenge, and so I thought I’d share the 52 books I read.
  • Lonely This Christmas (Top Christmas Songs + Life Updates End of 2022)
    This is just a quick post really, to talk about how I’m feeling at the moment, as we come to the end of 2022.
  • Cereal Reviews 2: Christmas Cereals 2022
    I’ve been working through my annual Christmas Food Haul, although this year is the smallest yet (trying to be less extravagant and more careful), and thought I should share the cereal reviews
  • Birthday and The Past Year Reflection Crisis
    It was my birthday last week. I’m 24. I feel like a lot has changed in the last year. And I guess it has. I’m feeling quite shaky in my identity right now…something that I imagine many people experience when it gets to a ‘celebration’ of 12 months of your life passing by. And so I decided to make a list of the main things that have happened, and how I’ve changed.
  • Film Reviews 1: What’s Your Number and Last Holiday
    This wonderful procrastination escapade led me to discover two brilliant films, which I decided to share with you today: What’s Your Number, a 2011 American romcom starring Anna Faris and Chris Evans, and Last Holiday, which was released in 2006 and stars Queen Latifah!
  • Random Musings of The First Week of October
    I’ve had some very fun conversations with friends this week so I thought I would share some of the ‘mini epiphany’ thoughts that had formed in my mind.
  • Why Do Filipinos Use a Spoon and Fork?
    Upon researching the Philippines, I discovered that the most common utensils are a spoon and fork, with knives being much rarer, and chopsticks really only used for specifically oriental meals. And true – this definitely matches the way my dad ate when I would spend weekends at his house, throughout my childhood. This made me wonder – why?
  • October Goals
    I like to try and set goals for myself, to help me feel like I’m not just letting life pass me by. It’s a new month – so I think it’s time for some new goals!
  • Cereal Reviews: Sainsburys Mini Jam Croissants
    Last week, Sainsburys released a new cereal to replace the limited edition Mini Cinnamon Rolls that came out back in January this year. Naturally, I HAD to try it – particularly as it’s not common for UK cereals to release limited edition or seasonal flavours. Shreddies, Coco Pops, Shredded Wheat and Weetabix are a few … Read moreCereal Reviews: Sainsburys Mini Jam Croissants
  • Reflecting on ‘Supermarket Flowers’
    Today I went on a very short morning walk, in the cold crisp air (it’s Autumn), with the sunlight just breaking through from behind the clouds. It was kind of the best weather for reflecting, y’know? Cold enough to set your mind racing and your legs moving, but not so cold you can’t focus your … Read moreReflecting on ‘Supermarket Flowers’