Hi! So I’m Saffron, and I have no idea what to write here. How do I summarise myself in an ‘About Me’?There’s so much I could say, and a lot of it probably not of interest!
The Short Version:
I like cereal. A lot. And I like it mushy and thick. I’ll have you know I once ate 12 Weetabix in one go (12 is a number that makes me happy).
I really like books (they make me happy too).
And colourful socks, and novelty earrings.
Also, I cut my sandwiches into the golden ratio because it calms me down. I can’t stand the idea of mushy pears, or putting custard with crumble. It infiltrates the dessert and suddenly you have no idea what each spoonful will consist of, and there’s too much chaos in life as it is.
Other possibly important points: I dream of travelling the world, and having a family. I like CREATING. Posters, poems, drawings, stories.
The thing that makes me happiest in the world is making others happy, I think.
I do think a lot!
A Longer Version In Which I Go On and On About Things I’m Interested In:
Firstly, I really love art – learning about it, analysing it, the history of it, but also drawing and attempting other mediums! I make lots of cards for people, and that always involves a humourous doodle, which I’ve become somewhat known for. I also love general arty, crafty, sewingy things, and a PROJECT. I modded a GameBoy, and I’m not quite sure why, because I never actually managed to complete one game as a child, but I got to SOLDER, and it was fun! I also built a wand box, for a terrible splurge purchase of a custom wand from Etsy, to match my Pottermore wand.
When I’m not doing arty things, I also enjoy writing. Mainly poetry thus far, but I want to one day write stories, or even a novel! I think Spoken Word is absolutely beautiful (I tend to use overuse ‘exciting’, ‘beautiful’, ‘wonderful’, and
And, when I’m not creating stuff, I love to read (fiction, of course, but also non fiction), and research. I love maths and science, in particular. I’ll read my mum’s biomedical journals, and research random topics from within them! Biology and Chemistry, are both fascinating to me, and actually, after years of shunning Physics, reading A Brief History Of Time and The Quantum Self has opened my eyes up to a whole new world!
Another favourite topic of mine would be history. I just think it’s incredibly INTERESTING looking back and seeing how thinks link and the cause-and-effect and ALL the patterns. UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD. It’s a wonderful thing. The first ever non-fiction I read was Guns, Germs and Steel, and it blew my mind. I know it’s a somewhat controversial book, but regardless, I still say to everyone – read it!
Where was I? Ah, okay, so, when I’m not making things or learning things, and actually even when I am, I’m probably thinking about food. I’m Autistic, and food is one of my special interests. Studying it, following brands, learning about it’s history, analysing it, and trying it! I collect 12 different snacks, which all get reviewed, with any new products’ wrappers stuck in a big folder.
I guess my other main passion is Autism and Mental Health advocacy. I have a long history with an eating disorder, OCD, depression, as well as the difficulties of navigating life as a neurodiverse individual, and so trying to make change in the world has become a mission of mine! I have a website about that kind of thing, which you can visit here.
I hope you like my little blog. I created it to share any of my random thoughts, feelings, and some of the things I’ve made. I thought it might make some people smile, or learn something, and if I can achieve that, then that’ll certainly make me smile!